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Hi! I’m Shannon and I’ve been running K9 Satsifaction for over 11 years. I have a passion for dogs and love to bring them to their best potential. Puppy raising, training and play is a passionate hobby that has become my source of income. Exercise and activity trips are a healthy way to keep any dog in a more balanced state of mind.

I also work with many “issue” dogs helping their owners understand their particular dog, problem solve their approach and create solid replacement behaviors for the dog to resort to. I balance my approach with healthy exercise/activities, continued training, text support for the owners and visits. I love to help people find a better balance with their particular dog!

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Penny the 10 month golden retriever showing off her bests after a five day training course. Her main issues were pulling with all her might to say hi to people and occasionally jumping up with a dangerous amount of enthusiasm. We also worked on a more solid down-stay, politely taking the back seat (not being the center of attention and being expected to stay nice), being quiet when contained and lots of fun doggy socializing! Her smile is contagious and she has a lovely personality. She can still take a bit to calm down around a crowd of people, but she made a lot of progress in just five days! We are all super proud of her. Good girl Penny ❤️❤️ See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago
K9 Satisfaction LLC

Our play day Wednesday was super fun today! Everyone got so much scratches/lovings and had lots of fun 🥰. We have so many nice regulars that the new puppies immediately felt comfortable. Thank you all for sending me your sweet dogs ❤️❤️ See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago
K9 Satisfaction LLC

We had a blast welcoming Luna here yesterday! She is SO playful and friendly/social. She just has so much energy because of her breed (mini Aussie) and age (9 months)! We absolutely loved getting all her social and play energy out. Her owners are super consistent about her having good manners, though it’s difficult to keep her on-task if anyone is nearby because she wants to say hi so bad! Her energy can sky rocket so quick, known for the breed and age. Thankfully all her energy is such positive energy because of her owners are doing such great work with her! We are doing some extra training to make sure she can stay put and walk nice despite new people/dogs popping up. The extra socializing here will also help fill her social cup 🥰 I am absolutely in-love with this girly and looking forward to her coming over in the future! ☺️❤️ See MoreSee Less

3 weeks ago
K9 Satisfaction LLC

We all gave a warm welcome to little Fiona for her first day here! She was pretty scared of doggies at first but warmed up pretty fast! I added some of the beginning when she was still shy/nervous and some of the end where she felt more confident 😄 We are really going to enjoy having this girly spend some time with us. Her family is getting her a heads start on all her training, socializing and manners! ☺️❤️ See MoreSee Less

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Fiona is adorable! Her family made the perfect choice by bringing her to you for training!

2 months ago
K9 Satisfaction LLC

Fantastic group today on our play day Wednesday! Lots of great vibes. We got to introduce Rae Rae (the gorgeous golden retriever) who is a bundle of joy and smiles. She was very much liked here ☺️❤️ See MoreSee Less

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Michaela Crawford

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